My Christianity has finally come full circle for me. I was raised Christian and active in the church, vacation bible school, church basketball and kids choir the whole shebang.

This is very personal for me, and I am being more open than I usually would be for this subject. I tend to be more closed offed and quiet, but God says:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20, Bible

I have come back completely to my faith after a long time of being mad at a situation I had no control over. I had a friend pass away at a very young age and I didn't cope well with it for a very long time. She ended up passing away shortly after we had moved away, I had guilt because I wasn't there for her. Mind you, I was a child and didn't fully understand what was going on.

After awhile I became an angry/depressed teenager, and I don't know if I realized why I was so angry. Fast forward to the last weeks of my senior year in high school, I meet my now husband, and we start a journey that has ultimately ended in both of us becoming closer to God.

Like all people we had a our own personal and relationship problems. We have been together over 10 years, and we have dealt with everything together. We haven't always followed the Christian path, we lived together before marriage and we cussed and other little things.

We were together for 6 years before we got married, my husband and I have been through so much together, not only growing up as people in a relationship but as individuals too. The birth of our children and seeing the miracle of life has really brought our journey full circle back to Jesus.

If we didn't have children I am not sure that we would have came back as quickly as we did. At the time of writing this, our children are toddlers. Your can imagine my life with 2 toddlers all day everyday. I love my kids, but there's a reason it is called the 'terrible twos'.

I found myself becoming angered more quickly with my children and just becoming someone who I didn't want them to think of as their mother. I wanted to be someone who they knew they could come to and would listen and help them. At that time I wasn't being that person, not for my kids or my husband.

I could feel something missing, a purpose and guide to life, for raising children and having a happy marriage. I had attended a church before as an adult, so I went back looking for answers, but it didn't feel right. I wasn't getting the message I thought God was wanting me to hear.

So I stopped attending again, and started looking online for churches near our town. I came across a church that had their sermons online and after listening to the first one, I knew this was the church for me. I made my husband listen and he liked the sermons as well we decided I would go by myself for a bit and if I still liked it, we would start attending as family.

We were missing something that we didn't realize we needed so badly. I started attending the new church in February 2022, the preacher was talking about marriage and roles in the marriage, what was expected of each spouse in connection to God. It was like he knew what I was looking for and preaching straight to me.

Almost immediately I felt a weight lifted and I was noticeably happier. I became more patient with my kids and husband. I began relaying what our preacher was saying to my husband and I was passionate about it. I could not stop talking about his sermons.

After a little over a month my husband attended his first service in person, and we have been hooked. No matter what is being preached about, we always walk away with a  message that pertains to our life - a way to better ourselves, help family members or friends.

I feel like we have become better people after finding a place of worship where we actually feel closer to God. I think that is what church is suppose to do for you. Church for me, is suppose to help you become closer to God, how to find salvation and preach directly from the Bible.

I should note that I didn't want to write about my journey back to the Father, but God tells us to speak the word. I hope you find a place of worship and that it brings you closer to God. I pray that if you have made it this far in this post that you find the church you are looking for and that you are greeted with open arms and hearts.