We personally are just getting into these websites, so I'm doing reasearch for the both of us.
Out oldest is almost 4, so we try to limit how much time he gets to play on devices. As a young boy, he can be a rougher with devices than we would prefer.
He does really enjoy playing games, so we have been looking into more fun yet educational websites that he can play on safely.
Here's what I have found:

This website allows your children to learn about the world, animals, space, science and history. They also have different style games including: fill in the words, action and adventure, puzzles and more.

This website is exactly as the name suggests, it is a reading and writing page for different grade levels. This website focuses on giving resources to parents to help guide their child through reading and writing. They even have a place where the have set up the lesson plan and help guide you through the lesson plan by providing: standards, resources & prep, instructional plans and related sources.

Scratch is a place where kids can get into computer programming. This particular website is geared towards 8-16 year old, but they do offer Scratch Jr which is for 5-7 year old. If you want your child to participate without being online, they have a free app download.

Khan Academy is an interactive way for your child to learn online, through an app or through printable worksheets. It is for K-12 through and early college and includes grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more.

Math games, quizzes, lessons and brain teasers. Some times math can be difficult but turning it into a game is a great way for kids to learn and enjoy math at the same time. This website allows you focus on what your child might need help with, without having to drill the subject into their head.

Crash Course is a content creator of educational videos helping to break down big subjects into bite size pieces. They offer several videos including business, life science, literature, history and more.

Starfall is and interactive website that engages your child while learning meaningful skills for future learning. Aimed for younger children it is a fun way to teach the beginnings of math, learning to read and sing along songs. They do offer a paid membership, but currently I only use the free option.
While using online sources for education is wonderful, I feel like I do need to say that the internet is a strange/dangerous place - make sure that your kids don't wonder and stay on only sites that you have approved.