When you read a book you probably start from page one and go on from there. When reading the Bible, I find this not to be the case. You read the Bible so different from any other book. I think I know the perfect way to read the Bible without getting bogged down in the 'who begot who' parts.
The Bible is an omnibus, which means that it contains many complete books inside this one book. This can change the way you read it to make it easier.
Personally, I find the old testament very difficult to read. There is a lot of lineage that you have to read through and it can be difficult.
Fortunately, my husband and I have a family member that has retired from preaching, and we were discussing on how to make reading the Bible easier.
He suggested that we read a book in the old testament then read a book in the new testament. This way by the time you read the entire old testament you will have read through the new testament twice.
This breaks the old testament into manageable pieces, especially if you are reading the King James Version. I prefer the New International Version, it doesn't have the older English style text which makes reading it a little easier, especially for beginners like me. Eventually I will read the KJV just to make sure I haven't lost anything in the translation.
As a Christian I believe that it is important to read through the Bible, cover to cover. It saddens me that as of currently I have not read through the Bible in its entirety yet. I am working on it though.
The importance of reading the Bible for yourself is so that you can interpret it for yourself. You can take the message that you need from the scripture. Reading it for yourself will also allow you to see through false prophets.
After reading a story I find myself afterwards listening to sermons about it. This way I know what the book says , I can listen to someone who may connect dots that I just hadn't yet. I get to see how it all works together and form a well thought out conclusion.
This is how I managing to get through the Bible while still enjoying and understanding what I am reading. Reading it is one thing and understanding it another - I want to do both.